Mathletics Website!
You'll need your user name and password card for this one!
Count by 2s, 5s & 10s Rap
Cool video to help us remember our skip counting order!

Doubles Facts 1-5 Video
Adding Doubles 1 - 5 - A video to help you remember your doubles facts from 1-5! If the link is black click on the small blue and white letter i and it should play.

Doubles Facts 6-10 Video
Adding Doubles 6-10 - A video to help you remember your doubles facts from 6-10! If the link is black click on the small blue and white letter I and it should play.

That's A Fact
A website to practice your addition and subtraction facts on!

Count Us In
There are lots of different math videos to watch on this site!
Sheppard Software -Math
Lots of math games on this site as well!

Give the Dog a Bone
A more challenging game - you need to find the numbers where the dog bones are hidden on a number chart - can you find all ten in one minute?

Paint 100 Number chart
Paint your own patterns on the 100 chart!
Number Track
Lots of different games to practice your math skills on this page!
Counting Objects
Practice your graphing skills!
Connect the dots to make a picture - practice your numbers 1-50 or skip counting by 2s skills - lots of different counting and language games!

Ladybird Doubles - Play a classic memory game with doubles facts!

Math activities - lots of free math activities on different topics.

Lots of math games, reading activities, and videos.

Prodigy Math
Prodigy Math - You need to set up an account. There are in-app purchases but most of the
program is free.

Math Playground
Lots of free math games.

Splash Learn
You need to set up an account - lots of free games.
Math Game Time
Free math games and printable worksheets.

Khan Academy
You need to create an account and then have access to lots of lessons.

Xtra Math
You need to create a free account - math facts practice +/-/x/division.

Lots of free math games. Also includes some language arts, geography, and typing games.

Bedtime Math
For parents - lots of screen-free math activities to try with your child.

Boddle Learning
Offering a free account during school closures

Free math, science, and ELA games.

Turtle Diary
Free math games. Also has language arts games.

Manga High
Play math games to reinforce math skills and compete against the computer or others.

Lots of math games, also has Langauge Arts games.

Math Chimp
This site collects math games, videos, and worksheets for Grade 1 up to Precalculus.

A Plus Click
Math and logic problems for ages 5-adult.
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