
What We're Up To

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Saved by Lisa Pinkerton
on January 17, 2017 at 11:22:16 am


Language Arts:  We have been busy learning about r-controlled vowels.  We have met Whirling Irving (er/ir/ur) and Arnie Aardvark (ar).  Our next character will be Orty Orson (or).  The students have been learning all about word families for the past few weeks.  They have been very surprised to find out that once you know how to spell one word you will know lots of other words as well! 



Math: We have been practicing our skip counting by 5s skills and will soon be starting skip counting by 2s as well.  The students enjoyed a number of different holiday math centres over the past few weeks.  These centres reinforced skills such as skip counting, measurement, addition facts to 12, graphing, and patterning. 



Social Studies:  We have been learning all about personal vs. public property and the differences between rules, laws, and decisions.  Our next focus will be about learning about the lyrics to O Canada and different Canadian symbols.



Science:  Our science unit is about growth and change in living things  We have been learning about how to identify if something is a living thing or not.  We have also learned about how living things grow and change and the difference between needs and wants.


Health:  We will be starting the "Kids In The Know" program in the upcoming weeks.  This is a child/personal safety program.



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