
What We're Up To

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Saved by Lisa Pinkerton
on February 5, 2014 at 3:35:04 pm



Language Arts:


We have been busy working on our Wonderful Words - otherwise known as sight words.  We are currently studying List #10 and the test will be February 12th.


The students have been learning that sometimes letters work together to make new sounds.  This month we have studied "ar", and met Arnie Aardvark.


We finished publishing our creative Christmas stories in January and made pictures in the computer lab using the Paint Program. 


February is "I Love To Read" month and we have been enjoying special guest readers, including two Blue Bomber players.  Our reading theme is Olympics this year and we have a daily Olympics trivia question to answer for a chance to win cool reading prizes!




We have been busy practicing our skip counting by 5s and 10s skills in class.  We have learned a new song to help us remember how to skip count by 2s.  We have also been learning some cool new dice games to help us practice our addition facts. 


We have been very excited to start our Mathletics program during our computer lab time.  It's a great way to reinforce concepts learned in class and can be accessed at home as well!


Social Studies:


In social studies we have been busy making a mini book about ourselves.  We have also been learning more about Canada's flag and national anthem.




We have been investigating the characteristics and needs of living things.  The students have learned how to identify a living vs. a non-living thing and can explain what living things need in order to survive. 




In health class we have been learning all about proper hand washing techniques.  We have been working through a special "Germ Detective" book, supplied by Lysol.  Our local public health nurse, Mrs. Lehmann, visited us in January and brought special glow in the dark "germ powder".  When we washed our hands and put them under a special light it showed us all of the places that we missed.  Very cool!


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