
What We're Up To

Page history last edited by Lisa Pinkerton 3 years, 1 month ago

Language Arts - We have been busy working with our new spelling program.  We spend 2 weeks on each list, and there is a writing activity in the second week.  We are currently We have made a few class books this year including a French Halloween vocabulary book, and a book based on Margaret Wise Brown's The Important Book. We practice our editing skills with paragraph editing twice a week.  We have reviewed printing, and are starting cursive this week.  

We will begin working on narrative writing soon.


Math - The students start each day with a Daily Math problem.  We have been working with number patterns, place value, and comparing numbers.  We learned some new math games - some are helping us learn multiplication!  We also do conditioning facts each week to help our fluency with basic math facts.  Problem solving and Cross Number Puzzles are also included in our weekly schedule.  


French - We have been practicing counting to 20.  We have learned how to introduce ourselves, say our age, and ask/answer how we are feeling today.  We also played some games using Halloween vocabulary and will be doing some Christmas activities.


Social Studies - We are almost done our Geography of Canada unit.  We started with oceans and continents of the world and then learned all about the provinces/territories and capitals of Canada.  We studied the different geographical regions of Canada and coloured and labelled several maps.  We also investigated globes and learned about latitude and longitude.  We are very thankful for GPS technology after manually looking up coordinates on a map!


Science - We are almost done our Habitats and Communities unit.  We have learned all about the major biomes and habitats of the world, and how plants and animals have adapted to their habitats.  We studied food chains and food webs as well as carnivores/herbivores/omnivores.  The students each chose an animal to research and are creating a Google Slides presentation.  They created some awesome habitat dioramas for their project!


Health - We have been learning about self-care and mindfulness.  We talked about what brings us joy, and practiced some relaxation techniques for when we are feeling anxious.  

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